General Smarter Balanced Professional Development Resources

  • This page is intended to provide resources for school site teams to design school-wide professional development.
    These resources may be used for school-wide professional development, especially initial professional development meetings when all teachers are examining the data together. Since this is a new assessment system, professional development facilitators should start with educating teachers about the Smarter Balanced system and the ways the summative assessment scores were determined (e.g., blueprints, achievement levels, claims).
    California Department of Education Smarter Balanced Assessment System site - This site provides a useful starting point for understanding the CA Smarter Balanced approach as a system (see the graphic and the video) that integrates the summative assessments with the interim assessments and the digital library.

    Summative Assessment Blueprints

    • English Language Arts Blueprint - This document provides the distribution of assessment items (computer adaptive and performance tasks) across the four claims and content categories (note the increased significance of informational texts across grade levels). This distribution is correlated to the weighting of the claims to determine student overall achievement levels.
    • Mathematics Blueprint - This document provides the distribution of assessment items (computer adaptive and performance tasks) across the four claims and content categories. This distribution is correlated to the weighting of the claims to determine student overall achievement levels.
    Resources to Understand the Achievement Levels


    Smarter Balanced Achievement Level site - This site provides resources about how the overall achievement levels were determined. A video summary of this process is available here.
    Resources to Understand the Claims
    School teams will benefit from understanding the specific rubrics used within the Smarter Balanced Assessment System to describe specific student knowledge and skills. These Achievement Level Descriptors (ALDs) are aligned with the claims, and the Threshold ALDs are the most useful to school teams as they determine whether students are meeting the at or above standard levels for the claims. School teams should begin collaboratively aligning their own classroom assessment rubrics and student work expectations to these ALD rubrics. 
    • Claims, Targets, Standards Alignment - This website provides links to the Riverside County Office of Education documents that show the alignments between the claims, targets and standards for each grade level and subject area.
    • SBAC Claims and Targets Grades 3-5 - This webpage was created by the Elementary ELA Coordinators in the Division of Instruction to provide school teams with more easily accessible information about the claims and targets for grades 3-5.