• History/Social Science
  • This page is intended to provide History/Social Science teachers with resources to engage professional development conversations, in order to make data-based curricular and instructional decisions from the Smarter Balanced assessment results. History/Social Science Instructional staff will be regularly adding and revising the content of this page in order to provide the most up-to-date resources.
    Prior to beginning any data analysis, it is critical for Secondary/History teachers to understand the connections between the Literacy in History/Social Science Standards and the English Language Arts Claims and Targets assessed by SBAC. Departments should begin by using the Analysis Protocols to work their way through the SBAC Claim-Target Analysis task. 
    Once this task is complete, departments should use the SBAC Next Step Protocol to use data to identify goals. Directions for this task are on the Analysis Protocol and a sample can be found here.
    For more information on the Historical Thinking Skills and Reading Like a Historian please visit the Stanford History Education Group webpage or use the Historical Thinking Skills Poster.