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    Office of Student, Family and Community Engagement
    1081 West Temple Street
    Los Angeles, CA 90012
    Phone (213) 481-3350 Fax (213) 482-1498






    Tools For Schools

    Contact Us

  • When schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer and like school more.

    The Office of Student, Family and Community Engagement supports school efforts to implement effective family engagement activities that value partnerships with parents for the benefit of children’s learning and achievement.

    Our building is under construction and we have relocated two blocks away to 1081 West Temple St. Los Angeles, CA 90012. We expect to return to our permanent site in 2024. Map link: Click Here

    Nuestro edificio está bajo construcción y nos hemos mudado a dos cuadras de distancia, a 1081 West Temple St. Los Ángeles, CA 90012. Anticipamos regresar a nuestro sitio permanente en el 2024. Haga clic aqui

  • PAC Regional Elections: September 17-23, 2024 

    Elecciones Regionales del PAC: 17 al 23 de septiembre de 2024

    Region South Flyers: English I Spanish 

    Region West Flyers: English I Spanish 

    Region North Flyers: English I Spanish 

    Region East Flyers:  English I Spanish 

    The Los Angeles Unified forms a Parent Advisory Committee to provide comments on the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). Attend the election for the Region that corresponds to your school site, run for a position or vote for your preferred candidates. Learn about the PAC by visiting lausd.org/pac.

    El Distrito Escolar de Los Angeles forma un Comité Asesor de Padres para proporcionar comentarios sobre el Plan de Control Local y Rendición de Cuentas (LCAP). Asista a la elección de la Región que corresponde a su escuela, postúlese para un cargo o vote por sus candidatos preferidos. Aprenda mas sobre este comite visitando lausd.org/pac.

  • Region EL Delegate Convening Elections

    EL Delegates elected by their school site ELAC are invited to attend the Regional EL Delegate Convening Elections. You will have the opportunity to self-nominate or nominate EL Delegates to serve as representatives on the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC). Contact your school site or the Office of Student, Family and Community Engagement at 213-481-3350 to learn which Region convening is the one associated with your school site. 

    EL Delegate Convening - English Video

    Convocatoria de Eleccion para Delegados de EL

    Se les invita a los Delegados de Aprendices de Inglés (EL) elegidos por los miembros del ELAC a nivel escolar a que asistan a la convocatoria de elecciones regionales. Tendran la oportunidad de auto nominarse o nominar a Delagados EL para servir como representantes en el Comite Asesor del Distrito pare Aprendices de Ingles (DELAC). Comuniquese con su escuela o con la Officina de Participacion de Estudiantes, Familias y Comunidad al 213-481-3350  para confirmar a cuál convocatoria regional le pertenese a su escuela.

    Video del delegado EL - vídeo en español  

    DELACs Flyers for Convening

    October 7 | 7 de Octubre: Virtual Academies Flyer | Volante de la Academias Virtuales

    October 8 | 8 de Octubre: Region East Flyer | Volante de la Region Este

    October 9 | 9 de Octubre: Region West Flyer | Volante de la Region Oeste

    October 10 | 10 de Octubre: Region South Flyer | Volante de la Region Sur 

    October 11 | 11 de Octubre: Region North Flyer | Volante de la Region Norte

A one-stop online system that connects parents and guardians to their student’s essential data.



Parent Portal Login


 LAUSD Parent Portal Reference Guide REF 6363.1

The goal of the unit is to increase student voice by ensuring that students have the power to inform, influence and shape reforms, policies and practices to be reflective of the realities, needs, and solutions from the student perspective.

We work to ensure students have multiple and varied leadership roles as well as opportunities to partner with adults to create a safe, healthy, supportive school culture and community. We partner with District offices, school sites, and community organizations to improve student learning and academic achievement through increased student involvement, leadership development and engagement.

Student Empowerment Unit - Click here




Dyslexia Awareness Resources

For Beginner and Intermediate Tech Talk Powerpoints for Parents

click here.



app store Google Play


The Open Data Dashboard allows parents and community members to view, download, and interact with District and School performance data compiled from a variety of sources. The site includes such information as graduation rates, state assessment scores, and college and career readiness. 

You can access the Dashboard through this link: https://ca01000043.schoolwires.net/opendataparents

For tools, videos and resources in English and Spanish, click on this link: https://ca01000043.schoolwires.net/Page/14890 

Image result for open data lausd


Customer Service Feedback 

Image result for feedback

Please click here to give us your feedback

How Students Can File a Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint



  • Region Ambassador English





    Los Angeles Unified offers three engagement pathways hosted with Region Offices specifically for families to serve as ambassadors for their students and school communities. Participants learn about District services and are invited to share the information with the school community. Click here or visit lausd.org/ambassadors to learn more.

    Region Ambassador Span

    El Distrito Unificado de Los Ángeles ofrece tres vías de participación organizadas por región específicamente para que las familias apoyen como embajadores de sus estudiantes y comunidades escolares. Los participantes aprenden sobre los servicios del Distrito y están invitados a compartir la información con la comunidad escolar. Haga clic aquí o visite lausd.org/ambassadors para obtener más información.

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  • hands reaching toward graduation caps


    Click on the image above to access the course catalogue, video recordings and other resources from the LAUSD Family Academy.

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  • Download LAUSD Mobile App

    Download the latest version at the Apple iOS and Google Play stores.


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Office of Student, Family and Community Engagement