Description |
Job Aid |
Class Roster Five Column Report
Class roster used for manual attendance taking by teachers or substitutes.
Generate Course Request Summary Report
Count of students requesting a specific course.
Generate Cumulative Grade Label Report
This label is used when creating new folders containing a student’s cumulative record. The label contains several of the mandatory data elements required for the cumulative record.
Generate Enrollment Count Report
Count of students scheduled in a course section. Includes Course Number, Description, Section Type, Period, Teacher, Room Number, Section Capacity and number of students enrolled in the section. Includes a summary count by course for the summer school location.
Print a Student Transcript
An official record of a student's courses and final marks from grade 6th through 12.
Summer School Report Card
MiSiS allows authorized staff the ability to print report cards. This job aid will walk users through the processes of entering report parameters and printing the report card(s) via the Admin portal.
Summer School Course Offering Report
This report allows users to display which schools are offering specific programs and courses, especially if your school will not host a Summer School program.
Summer School Roster
List of students with summer school location, program, and course requests.
Teacher Verification of Marks Report
This report is used to verify students’ marks, attendance and comments given by the selected teacher for the selected class(es) during the selected term and grading period.