Labor & Employment Legal Services Team

  • The Labor & Employment Services Team addresses legal issues arising from all aspects of employment, including those questions arising under collective bargaining agreements in place with the District. While labor and employment issues arise District-wide, this team advises primarily the Board of Education, the Offices of the Superintendent, Chief Operating Officer, Staff Relations, Employee Relations, Risk Management and Insurance Services, as well as the Personnel Commission, School Police, Local Districts, the Transportation Branch, Human Resources, various business units, Maintenance & Operations and other departments in the Facilities Services Division.

    The lawyers of the team appear on behalf of the District in state and federal court in lawsuits by former and current employees, in arbitration proceedings, and represent the District’s interests before the Public Employment Relations Board and other administrative agencies. Last, but not least, the Labor and Employment Services Team supports the District’s Equal Opportunity Section (see web link) in its investigations of claims of discrimination.

Mission Statement

  • The Labor & Employment Services Team provides legal advice and recommendations regarding the District’s employment and labor practices, with the overall goal of creating a work environment for all District employees in compliance with the law, collective bargaining agreements, internal policies, and Board and Personnel Commission rules. Recognizing the cost of legal work when performed by outside law firms, we efficiently and effectively represent the District’s interest in labor and employment lawsuits and before various administrative agencies, and provide focused legal analysis to allow competent decision-making in the management of the District’s various ongoing labor and employment issues.
