About RtI

  • What is RtI2 ?

    Response to Instruction and Intervention (RTI2) is a student-centered multi-tiered approach of structure and support. Students' progress is closely monitored at each stage of intervention to determine the need for further research-based instruction and/or intervention in general education, in special education, or both. While most places refer to Response to Intervention, LAUSD is committed to looking at Instruction first, hence we call it Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI2). Read more about RtI by clicking the link below:
    Why use RtI2 ?
    After years of using systems focusing on the identification and placement of students in special programs instead of focusing on student outcomes and the delivery of effective instruction and interventions as measured by student outcomes, the system failed to ask the question "How is the student doing?" Read the entire article by David P. Prasse, Ph.D, Loyola University of Chicago by clicking the link below:

    The "How-To" of RtI2
    RtI2 is not a packaged program that can be learned in a single training session. It is a framework that aligns all resources within a school and District in a collaborative manner to create a single, well-integrated system of instruction and intervention that are guided by student outcome data. It fits within a school-wide process of early intervention and prevention of academic and behavioral problems.

    RtI2 involves general education teachers working together and jointly using their resources and expertise to improve behavior and academic achievement for all students, including English Learners (EL), Standard English Learners (SEL), gifted, and students with disabilities. Within an RtI2 system, students are regularly assessed on how well they respond to good first teaching. Click below to read more from CalSTATE Technical Assistance and Training:

    The Common Core and RtI2
    The Common Core is the foundation of the RtI2 multi-tiered framework. Understand the characteristics of RtI2 and how they support students achieve the CCSS. Learn about what should be considered as schools implement the CCSS. Please click below for more information:
    Research Review
    There are significant research findings on the essential components and effects of RtI2.  See Essential Components for more information.  Read the detailed article focusing on the core curriculum for Tier 1 by Charles Hughes, Ph.D. and Douglas D. Dexter, M.Ed entitled Selecting a Scientifically Based Core Curriculum for Tier 1.

    What's the Word?
    Link to the LAUSD RtI Glossary that provides concise definitions of terminology used in RtI2.

    Getting Started with RtI2
    A good source to get started is to view the following enhanced podcasts through iTunesU Lausd:

     What is RtI- Part 1   RtI- Getting Started- Part 1
     What is RtI- Part 2   RtI- Getting Started- Part 2


    Want to learn more about RtI2 through a self paced online course?
    The University of South Florida offers a no-cost,self paced, online tutorial about RTI. The course is offered in four modules. Follow the link and create a new account to begin.