• The Los Angeles Unified School District has embraced a multi-tiered, student centered, data-based approach to improve and accelerate the achievement of all students, including gifted. Student progress is monitored and data is used to support and target areas of need.

    RtI2 is an integrated approach using pedagogy, lesson design, and progress monitoring data to ensure the best instructional decisions for students, to ensure that every student, pre-school through adult, will receive quality, standards-based instruction in all content areas to enable all students to graduate college-prepared and career-ready. Additional detailed information can be referenced in Bul-4827.1
    The Common Core and RtI2: Learn how an effective multi-tiered academic RtI framework can help schools close the knowledge gap to meet the demands of the CCSS.  Webinar produced by WestEd.
    The Teacher's Hour episodes have additional resources for RtI2 and can be found by clicking on Connect with Others. 


    The district is migrating all administrative departments to a new and better web platform. During the transition, the prior website is available by clicking the link below: