• Dyslexia Awareness

    LAUSD Dyslexia Support Plan
    Assembly Bill 1369

    Dyslexia is a language-based disability that exists on a continuum and is characterized by difficulties in learning how to read fluently. Students with Dyslexia can also experience difficulties with oral language, spelling, and writing skills.

    Addressing the needs of struggling readers requires a wide range of supports at schools and at home. With appropriate identification, tailored instruction, dedication, and support from family, teachers, and community members, individuals with Dyslexia can improve their reading skills and succeed in school and life.

    High Quality First Instruction

    Certificates of Completion can be printed on My Professional Learning Network (MyPLN) for professional development facilitators only.

  • News Sign

    » Dyslexia Module

    Click here to access the Basics of Dyslexia Module.

    Click below to access the dyslexia module handouts

The Basics of Dyslexia Powerpoint

The Basics of Dyslexia Facilitator's Guide


Administrator Tip Sheet

Handout 1 - Stop and Jot

Handout 2 - Characteristics of Dyslexia

Handout 3 - Students with Dyslexia Have Difficulty

Handout 4 - Reflection Time

Handout 5 - What If I Suspect My Student Has Dyslexia

Handout 6 - Accommodations in an IEP May Include

Handout 7 - 3-2-1 Key Ideas

Handout 8 - Dyslexia General Awareness Registration Guide

Handout 9 - Dyslexia Guidelines Contents


  • Parent Resources

    Below you will find multiple resources and information to help increase your understanding about Dyslexia and how you can better support your child with reading difficulties.

    Click on the links below to learn more.


Official Definition Made Easy

Dyslexia Basics 

What is Dyslexia Infographic  

Common Myths About Dyslexia

More Myths About Dyslexia

What We Know About Dyslexia

Dyslexia Strengths

CNN Reporter Succeeds with Dyslexia

African American PhD's Success with Dyslexia

IDA-Dyslexia Basics (Información Básica Sobre Dislexia)



The Basics of Dyslexia

Embracing Dyslexia  /  Aceptando la Dislexia 

General Awareness Video on Dyslexia (Entire video)

Introduction (Chapter 1 from General Awareness Video on Dyslexia)

Laws and Guidelines (Chapter 2 from General Awareness Video on Dyslexia)

What is Dyslexia? (Chapter 3 from General Awareness Video on Dyslexia)

Early Indicators (Chapter 4 from General Awareness Video on Dyslexia)

Social Emotional Challenges (Chapter 5 from General Awareness Video on Dyslexia)

Support (Chapter 6 from General Awareness Video on Dyslexia)

Resources (Chapter 7 from General Awareness Video on Dyslexia)




International Dyslexia Association-All Facts Sheets (Asociación Internacional de Dislexia-todas las fichas de datos)





Characteristics of Dyslexia

IDA-Dyslexia in Adolescents and Adults (IDA-Dislexia en Adolecentes y Adultos)

IDA-Dyslexia in Adolescents and Adults (English version)

Student Voices:


Child and Parent Point of View

Student's Perspective

What is it Like to Have Dyslexia

8th Grader with Dyslexia

Interview-Teen with Dyslexia

Video sobre joven explicando la Dislexia


Parent Voices:

Parenting a Child with Dyslexia

Parents of Children with Dyslexia





Resources to Learn More Information About Dyslexia

Frequently Asked Questions About Dyslexia




Cómo afecta la Dislexia a los niños | La Dislexia en la infancia

Video sobre como identificar a un estudiante con Dislexia


LAUSD Parent and Community Services  


Neuhaus Education Center-Parnet FAQs

LAUSD Dyslexia Policy Bulletin BUL-045788.0







Fun Ideas to Try at Home to Strengthen Your Child's Learning/Actividades Para el Hogar

Learning Strategies to Support Your Child at Home (See "Learning Objective #3" of the Parent Module)

Keeping your Child Motivated

Learn About Social-Emotional Strategies Used to Support Your Child at Home

In addition to the supports provided at the school site, students with Dyslexia can also benefit from the help of technology.  Here are some available online applications to help students and parents with the learning process.

Free Apps

Free Apps-Spanish



Estrategias para trabajar la Dislexia



Learning Tools for Dyslexia

In Microsoft Tools for Dyslexia you will find various approachable techniques to support students who are struggling readers.  Students with Dyslexia are usually visual spatial learners and process information in a visual manner.  These online tools can help improve reading fluency, writing, and comprehension. Free to educators and students!



Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Documents

Multi-tiered Systems of Support Summary Sheet

General Education First

High Quality First Instruction

What Is Structured Literacy?

At a Glance: Classroom Accommodations for Students With Dyslexia

The Microsoft Dyslexia Awareness mini course in Partnership with Made by Dyslexia


Classroom Resources that Employ Structured Literacy

95 Percent Group

Heggerty Phonemic Awareness


Wilson Reading Program


Special Education Services Documents

Does Your Child Need Special Education?


Student Support and Progress Team (SSPT) Documents

Student Support and Progress Team Informational PowerPoint

Student Support and Progress Team Levels of Support



  • » Dyslexia Parent Workshops

    Parent PPT


    Elementary and Secondary Schools Link

    Click here to access the PowerPoint presentation and related resources. 

     * Having trouble accessing the resources on this page? Please login to your LAUSD Google acoount.

  • » Dyslexia Public Service Announcements 

    PSA Video

          Dyslexia Adult Video


  • School Resources

    Below you will find multiple resources and information about Dyslexia and how you can better support students with reading difficulties.

    Click on the links below to learn more.

University of Florida Literacy Institute Virtual Teaching Hub



95% Group Remote Learning Resources (account creation needed)



Heggerty Youtube Channel



Heggerty at Home E-Learning


Support for secondary students www.lainterventionproject.com


Official Definition Made Easy

Common Myths About Dyslexia

More Myths About Dyslexia

What we know about Dyslexia

General Education First

SSPT Levels of Support

Good First Instructions Coupled with Early Prevention and Intervention

Dyslexia Strengths

CNN Reporter Succeeds with Dyslexia

African American PhD's Success with Dyslexia



The Basics of Dyslexia 

Embracing Dyslexia/Aceptando la Dislexia

General Awareness Video on Dyslexia (Entire video)

Introduction (Chapter 1 from General Awareness Video on Dyslexia)

Laws and Guidelines (Chapter 2 from General Awareness Video on Dyslexia)

What is Dyslexia? (Chapter 3 from General Awareness Video on Dyslexia)

Early Indicators (Chapter 4 from General Awareness Video on Dyslexia)

Social Emotional Challenges (Chapter 5 from General Awareness Video on Dyslexia)

Support (Chapter 6 from General Awareness Video on Dyslexia)

Resources (Chapter 7 from General Awareness Video on Dyslexia)



International Dyslexia Association-All Facts Sheets (Asociación Internacional de Dislexia-todas las fichas de datos)








Characteristics of Dyslexia by Age Range

Secondary Consequences of Dyslexia

IDA-Dyslexia in Adolescents and Adults (English version)


Student Voices:


Child and Parent Point of View

Student's Perspective

What is it Like to Have Dyslexia

8th Grader with Dyslexia

Interview - Teen with Dyslexia


Parent Voices:


Parenting a Child with Dyslexia


Frequently Asked Questions about Dyslexia

Core Dyslexia Guidelines

LA Potential Indicators


LAUSD Parent and Community Resources

Resources to Learn More Information About Dyslexia


Parent and Community Services 





Learning strategies to support your child at home (See "Learning Objective #3" of the Parent Module)

In addition to the supports provided at the school site, students with Dyslexia can also benefit from the help of technology.  Here are some available online applications to help students and parents with the learning process.

Free Apps

Keeping your Child Motivated

Learn About Social-Emotional Strategies Used to Support Your Child at Home

Fun Ideas to try at Home to strengthen your child’s learning/Actividades Para el Hogar 



Learning Tools for Dyslexia

In Microsoft Tools for Dyslexia you will find various approachable techniques to support students who are struggling readers.  Students with Dyslexia are usually visual spatial learners and process information in a visual manner.  These online tools can help improve reading fluency, writing, and comprehension. Free to educators and students!

Multi-tiered Systems of Support Documents

Multi-tiered Systems of Support Summary Sheet

District Resources and Supports for School Sites

High Quality First Instruction

What Is Structured Literacy?

Dyslexia and Executive Function

At a Glance: Classroom Accommodations for Students With Dyslexia



Classroom Resources that Employ Structured Literacy

95 Percent Group

Heggerty Phonemic Awareness


Wilson Reading Program



Other Structured Literacy Classroom Resources

David Kilpatrick - Equipped for Reading Success

Anita Archer - Explicit Instruction



Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology for Reading

Audio Books

Microsoft Learning Tools (free to all district students and employees)

AT for Writing

LAUSD's Assistive Technology Program

Assistive Technology Lending Libraries

For School Sites

The Microsoft Dyslexia Awareness mini course in Partnership with Made by Dyslexia



Special Education Services Documents

Does Your Child Need Special Education?

General Education First


Student Support and Progress Team (SSPT) Documents

Student Support and Progress Team Summary Sheet

Student Support and Progress Team Levels of Support



Evidence-Based Reading Instruction (EBRI)

Reading Apprenticeship

Reading Horizons






  • » Dyslexia Posters 

    English                                                                 Spanish

    Dyslexia Poster - English           Dyslexia Poster - Spanish