Google Apps for Education in LAUSD

  • GAFE

    This page will assist you in creating (or migrating) to your new LAUSD issued Google Apps For Education (GAFE) account.


    Step One

    Reset your LAUSD single sign-on (SSO) password. This step is essential in completing the process. After resetting your SSO please return to this page.



    Keep in mind that your GAFE account will now be permanently linked to your SSO password.



    Step Two

    This step has 3 different variations depending on whether you have ever before created a Google account with your LAUSD email address.

    If you have NEVER created a Google Account using your LAUSD email as your user account, follow these steps:


    Step 1: After resetting SSO, go to  Login using your:

    Email: (full LAUSD email address, e.g.,

    Password:  (The new password you selected in Step One above)


    Step 2: Read “Welcome to your new account page and select the I Accept. Continue to my Account button.


    Step 3: Click No Thanks.


    Step 4: You’re ready to use your new GAFE Account.  (Please note the District logo on the left, and your LAUSD email address on the right.)


    If you have ever created a Google account with your LAUSD username and linked it to a GMAIL account, follow this process:

    (Before starting this process, please ensure that you know the username and password of the linked GMAIL account)


    Step  1: After resetting your SSO account, go to  Login using your: 

    Email: (full LAUSD email address, e.g.,

    Password:  (SSO password you selected in Step One above) 


    Step 2: Read the Welcome to Your New Account page and select the I Accept. Continue to my Account button.


    Step 3: Click No Thanks


    Step 4: You’re ready to use your new GAFE Account.  (Please note the District logo on the left, and your LAUSD email address on the right.)


    Your documents will now have been separated from your account.  Documents will remain in your GMAIL account.  To make documents accessible into your account, simply login to your GMAIL account and share each document with your account name.   Proceed to Step 5.


    Step 5: Login into Gmail Account, click the check box to select all documents, then select the share button. 


    Step 6: Type in the name of your LAUSD account and select the done.




    If you had created a Google account with your LAUSD username, and NOT linked it to a GMAIL account, you will end up with what is called a “conflicting account.” To remedy the conflicting account, a new GMAIL account must be created to which all documents will be migrated.  After migration, you can then re-share your documents to your account.  Please read all pages carefully.  


    Step  1: After resetting SSO, go to  Login using your: 

    Email: (full LAUSD email address)

    Password:  (SSO password you just reset)


    Step 2: Read the Welcome to Your New Account page and select the I Accept. Continue to my Account button.


    Step 3: Click No Thanks


    Step 4: You’re new GAFE Account.  (Please note the District logo on the left, and your LAUSD email address on the right.)


    Notice that your documents were not merged into your new LAUSD account.  This requires a manual process and creation of a new GMAIL account in order to migrate your documents.


    Step  5:  Go to  Your documents have been placed in a temporary account called the “GTEMP” account.  Follow this naming convention to determine you GTEMP account name.


    Example: =


    Enter Email: (GTEMP email address)

    Enter Password:  (use your old Google password that you used to access this account prior to migration)


    Step 6: You will be prompted to create a new GMAIL account in order to migrate your documents. 


    Note: Your account password will remain the same as your old password.  Your documents will now migrate to this newly created account.


    Step 7: In the newly created Gmail Account, click the check box to select all documents, then select the share button. 


    Step 8: Type in the name of your LAUSD account and select the done.


    Step 9: Should now have access to the shared documents in the LAUSD account.

Google FAQs

  • How much space will I get?
    30 GBs of file storage, and unlimited space to create new Google documents.
    What applications will I have access to?
    Google Docs (word processor)
    Google Sheets (spreadsheet)
    Google Forms (surveys)
    Google Slides (presentation tool)
    And more . . . .
    Will this migration affect my current email system?
    No. Please keep in mind that this will not affect your district email services. Outlook will remain regardless of migration.
    Will I have to memorize a new password?
    No. GDA will work with your District SSO
    Who is affected?
    All LAUSD Employees will now have access to a GDA account