• Chromebook  ShareableManageableAffordable
  • Shareable with students. 
    Since Chromebooks are tied to student accounts, they can always be shared between students. All they have to do, is log in with their LAUSD.net or MyMail accounts, and the Chromebook's syncing function will bring the user's configurations and settings to their screens.

    Easy to manage. 
    With the purchase of a Chromebook, with it comes a $30 management license. This license gives administrators access to a web-based management console. Within that console, administrators can manage and configure Chromebooks within their schools to fit their wants and needs. 

     Affordable for everyone.  
    At a starting price of $149, Chromebooks are affordable devices that do well enough to get students the educational content that they need, technologically. Students and teachers can enter the Chrome Web Store and download applications to do anything from run math games, writing games, drawing applications, and more. With the Chrome Web Store serving as the haven for the Chromebook's applications students and teachers alike can enjoy an affordable device that gives them the capabilities of a traditional device. 

  • Want to order Chromebooks? Easy.
    See below for a list of Chromebooks being offered by Arey Jones. Once you review the specs and the prices, call Arey Jones at (800) 998-9199, receive a quote, fill out an order form, and submit your order. 