• What does the JROTC High School program offer me that I can't get anywhere else?

    Posted by:
    The JROTC program has a lot to offer young men and women who want to get the most out
    of their high school years. What you will learn in the program will be useful to you now and in
    the future because much of the instruction and experience you will receive isn't available any
    other way at the high school level. JROTC gives you the chance to acquire many life skills and leadership abilities, but its primary objective is to develop good citizenship
    and patriotism in each student.

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  • What does JROTC stand for?

    Posted by:

    Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps

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  • What does a cadet learn in the JROTC course?

    Posted by:
    The JROTC course of instruction is offered during the regular school day as part of the
    school curriculum. You'll be instructed by experienced Army officers and noncommissioned
    officers who have a high regard for education and training and enjoy working with young
    adults. In JROTC you'll get practical experience in organization and leadership development.
    You'll learn what teamwork is all about. You'll learn to think quickly, to be sure of yourself, to
    communicate your ideas, and to become self-reliant. You'll also learn military history and the
    military role in current events, and you'll develop a full appreciation of our national heritage.
    As a JROTC cadet not only will you study such topics as Current Events, World Events.
    Comments (-1)
  • Will JROTC meet any high school requirement?

    Posted by:
    It meets the graduation requirement for elective or physical education.
    Comments (-1)
  • How much does the uniform cost?

    Posted by:
    JROTC will provide uniform and supplies at no cost to the student.  However, if a cadet loses
    or destroys an issued item, they have to pay for it.

    Comments (-1)
  • How many times does student have to wear their uniform?

    Posted by:
    Student will wear their uniform once a week to class.

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  • Does student have to be a US citizen to join JROTC?

    Posted by:
    JROTC is open to all students enrolled in school.
    Comments (-1)
  • By enrolling in JROTC are you joining the military?

    Posted by:
    No. Students who enroll in JROTC don't join the military; there is no military obligation for
    enrolling in JROTC. Students take a class for which they receive credit. It's considered a high school elective.

    Comments (-1)
  • What kind of extracurricular activities does JROTC offer?

    Posted by:
    We sponsor a variety of extracurricular activities through JROTC.  Among these are drill
    teams, honor and color guards, marksmanship teams, and orienteering. Through your participation in
    these activities, you'll be a more involved student and community member. Of course, as a
    JROTC cadet, you'll also have time to socialize with other cadets. Picnics and a military ball
    are just some of the planned activities you'll enjoy.

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  • If a person is a member of an Army JROTC program, can they still join a different military branch?

    Posted by:
    Yes. A cadet may still join the Coast Guard, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps if they so
    choose. The JROTC program will focus mainly on the Army and its role in the world, but
    there are many opportunities to learn about any of the other branches of the military and the
    jobs that they have to offer.

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  • Does JROTC cost anything?

    Posted by:

    No, the program is funded by the Department of Defense. Some extracurricular activities
    require the cadet to pay, but the course itself is free.

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