
  • The following resources can be used by vendors and community partners to deepen their Linked Learning  knowledge and generate ideas that will help in the development of proposals to provide high-quality work-based learning experiences:


    Profiles of California Partnership Academies  - ConnectEd: The California Center for College and Career joined with the Career Academy Support Network(CASN) to examine the latest data from California’s 290 Partnership Academies.  California Partnership Academies offer some of the most promising strategies for delivering multiple pathways to both postsecondary education and career—for at-risk students, as well as a cross-section of all students.


    Career Technical Education Framework for California Public Schools, Grades Seven Through Twelve Career Technical Education -   A blueprint that educators can use in implementing the career technical education (CTE) model curriculum standards adopted by the California State Board of Education. It provides a context for the content laid out by the standards, discusses best practices, and explores important issues in the implementation of those standards.


    Linked Learning Alliance  -  A broad-based coalition composed of members from education, industry, and community organizations supporting Linked Learning.


    Work-Based Learning in California This WestEd report examines work-based learning in California, detailing implementation strategies and opportunities for expanding the approach to engage more students.


    Preparing Youth for Life: The Gold Standards for High School Internships This publication, produced by a National Academy Foundation-led task force, outlines 10 Gold Standards for high school internships, such as aligning academic learning with internship experiences and creating systems of support to sustain internships.

