
  • Financial Reporting Section (213) 241-7970

    The Financial Reporting Section staff is responsible for developing and preparing various Federal, State and District mandated financial reports and other internal reports requested by the Board or management. Staff is highly involved in interim projections and comprehensive annual financial report preparation among others.
    General Ledgers Section (213) 241-7970
    The General Ledgers Section staff is primarily responsible for maintaining the District's general ledgers for proper accounting of all revenue, expenditures, and balance sheet accounts for various operating, capital, debt service, internal service and fiduciary funds. This section ensures that the District complies with generally accepted accounting principles.
    Specially Funded Accounting Section (213) 241-7970
    The Specially Funded Accounting Section provides specialized accounting and reporting for various grants received from Local, State, and Federal Governments, and private organizations. Section staff is responsible for monitoring costs and preparing claims for grants including Title I Part A Basic Grants, Title II Improvement Grants, After School Education and Safety Program, 21st Century Grants, Pre-School Expansion, etc.
    Section staff also establishes, maintains, and controls program codes and revenue accounts for various grants in accordance with District, State and funding agency requirements.