ADA/Accessibility Compliance Tips

ADA/Accessibility Tips

While the District is not required to create or provide accessible parking to the public where it has not be afforded to others, it is required to provide reasonable accommodations and/or modifications to the Policies, procedures, and practices. This would suggest that a parent needing access due to their own disability, or the disability of their child, should communicate with the School Administration to see if such modifications to our Policies could be implemented at that school. The School Administrator should be able to offer reasonable accommodations that may be able to be implemented to assist individuals with disabilities, unless doing so would fundamentally alter the nature of the service, program, or activity.


Please contact the Office of ADA Compliance for further assistance.


There are a number of federal and state ADA laws and regulations which require accessibility to the services, programs and activities provided by the District.  This is referred to as Program Accessibility, and the District’s goals for ADA compliance are outlined in the Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan. 

Program accessibility means all programs are readily accessible to students and others with disabilities so that they have equal access and an equal opportunity to engage in educational activities and events, just like other students and parents, etc.

Should an individual with a disability be impacted by a barrier to accessibility, it should be promptly brought to the attention of the school Principal or site administrator, who will take appropriate action. 

Ensuring accessibility is part of the District’s commitment to avoiding discrimination, and creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment.