
Educator Development and Support: School Leaders

To ensure students and school site staff have access to effective principals and assistant principals, the District’s school leader evaluation process, Educator Development and Support: School Leaders (EDSSL), supports the development of increasingly high-quality leadership practices. EDSSL includes observations, conferencing opportunities, professional goal setting activities, and a series of reflection activities throughout the year. This process incorporates promising practices in coaching and feedback and encourages professional reflection and growth. The foundation of EDSSL is the LAUSD School Leadership Framework (SLF).

For more information:
Heather Lower Lowe

  •  EDSSL: Multiple Measures
  • EDSSL is designed to gather evidence of leadership practice through multiple measures to support principals and assistant principals in improving their practice.
    (Click on each of the measures to learn more about EDSSL.)
    Please check the Resources tab in MyPGS for the latest resources.