Records Warehouse

  • The Records Warehouse provides off-site storage for inactive records that are required to be retained by the District but no longer needed at the work site.
    Sending Records to the Records Warehouse
    • Records must be boxed with a completed label detailing contents including the anticipated disposal date based on the retention requirements
      • As a rule of thumb a standard filing cabinet drawer will fill 2 records storage boxes, a lateral file drawer will fill 3
      • Don't overfill or use damaged containers so the records are protected during transportation and storage
      • Don't mix different record types in the same box, so the records will have the same disposal date
      • Use a detailed description of the records to help future employees understand what's in each box
    • Send MAC Request to Space Planning to arrange for transportation of the records 
    • Contact the Records Warehouse at (818) 610-5698 if transporting your own records to storage
    Retrieving Records from the Warehouse
    • Contact the Records Warehouse to arrange visit to the Records Warehouse
    • If any records are removed from storage, a Property Removal Form must be completed 

Records Warehouse Contacts

  • Warehouse Facilities Services  
    (818) 610-5698 
    Pablo Ramirez
    (213) 241-6524