Early Education Principal Organization (EEPO)

  • Mr. John Doe

    Deputy Superintendent 
    Office of Deputy Superintendent 



    EEPO Members are Principals of Early Education Centers who represent The LAUSD Early Childhood Education Division. 

    We are dedicated and committed to improving learning outcomes in the lives of young children from birth to 5 years of age. The safety and security of our students and staff is our number one priority.

    A crucial standard of EEPO is that developmental milestones, social and emotional, cognitive and physical skills are addressed and met for every child who attends an LAUSD Early Education Center.

    Our ultimate goal is to help our young learner's transition to kindergarten with needed skills as they continue their trajectory in education.

    EEPO provides professional development opportunities for its members to ensure that the District/Division goals of 100% graduation; proficiency for all; parent and community engagement and school safety are addressed, embedded, and implemented at each of our Early Education Centers.

    EEPO members are assigned to adhoc committees.
    These committees depict specific job duties that are aligned with the goals of the overall District.

    EEPO maintains a line of communication with our Executive Director (Dean Tagawa) as well as the Superintendent of LAUSD to address concerns that can affect the services provided to Early Education Centers.