Stepping into the Next Gen...
We are implementing the Next Generation Standards (NGSS), according to the CA Science Framework.
Our goals in science education are to empower students to be critical thinkers, make sense of their world and solve problems. This takes intentional planning and an understanding of how students learn. The shifts are to use real-world phenomena to set the stage for a unit and drive instruction and for students to use the 3 dimensions of the NGSS to construct understanding. Teachers can guide students to make sense of their world by engaging students in the Science and Engineering Practices and the Crosscutting Concepts to by eliciting their questions about phenomena, tapping into their natural curiosity and facilitating their construction of explanations to phenomena (the Disciplinary Core Ideas).
NGSS Shifts:
- Phenomena: Students engage in explaining phenomena and/or solving problems. Anchoring phenomena or problems are used to frame a unit of learning. Lesson level or investigation phenomena are used in lessons to help students figure out the anchoring phenomena or problems.
- 3D Learning and Assessment: Students engage in 3-dimensional learning to figure out phenomena or problems. Students construct explanations to phenomena or problems (Disciplinary Core Ideas) by engaging in the Science and Engineering Practices and the Crosscutting Concepts.
LAUSD adopted instructional materials that arrived at schools in the fall of 2021. The links to the right are for resources teachers may use to further support student mastery of the NGSS.
Elementary Science Resources
FOSS Donations:
If your school would like to clear out old versions of the FOSS kits and put them to good use, please email: lillian.valadez-rodela@lausd.net and/or call Nancy Bentov (818) 831-8330 at the Granada Hills Science Materials Center. The materials will be reused to build new kits for schools that are short on materials within LAUSD.
FOSS Kit Refurbishment Program:
Do your FOSS kits need help? We have a program that can provide permanent items that are available at the Granada Hills Science Materials Center. Please email: lillian.valadez-rodela@lausd.net and/or call Nancy Bentov (818) 831-8330 at the Granada Hills Science Materials Center.