• Visitor Management Service


    The District Service Center is responsible for processing visitors to the LAUSD Administrative Headquarter Offices for access into the Beaudry Building.  Visitors may enter the building between 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday. 

    Before visiting the LAUSD Headquarters:

    • Know the name, time and location (floor and room number) of your meeting.
    • Know the name and telephone number of the person(s) you are meeting.
    • Have a Government issued identification (state driver's license, state identification card, passport) to present when registering at the Visitor Desk.
    • Ensure that the person/group you are visiting has preregistered you in the Visitor Management System.
    By following these tips, you can be processed as quickly as possible once you arrive at the Visitor Desk.  Delays up to more than 10 minutes may be experienced if any of these steps are not followed.
    For information on visitor parking, click here.  Parking validation is arranged by the person(s) you are meeting.  For questions regarding visitor access to the LAUSD Administrative Headquarters Beaudry Building, please call (213) 241-5112.