• Step Advancing

  • Click to view the Step Advancement Requirements Manual  


    One Year

    Adult and Career Education teachers who were paid on the (THR) salary table for 734 hours and 30 hours of staff development during the previous school year (July 1 to June 30), must submit Application for Step Advancement HR Form 1903 with original supporting documents of 30 hours staff development by June 15 for possible step advance effective July 1 to the Adult Salary Allocation Unit.

    Two-Year Option

    Adult and Career Education teachers who need two-consecutive school years to meet 734 hours may use the (2) two-year option for Step Advancement for possible step advance effective July 1 of year two. The candidate must declare by April 15th, of year one by submitting the Application for Step Advancement HR Form 1903 ONLY to the Adult Salary Allocation Unit. Teachers must complete 30 hours of staff development and submit original supporting documents to the Adult Salary Allocation Unit by June 15, the second year of the two consecutive school years.
    • EX. Hours from 2021/2022 may be combined with hours from 2022/2023 for possible step advance effective July 1.


    STEP 4


    Adult and Career Education teachers whose salary is currently at THR03 requesting to advance to THR04 must meet 10 consecutive school years in the THR salary table. Any years of service that previously met LAUSD prior to July 1, 2001 will be included, provided there are no breaks in service. Additionally, the 30-hours staff development requirement can be fulfilled during the last five school years immediately preceding the tenth consecutive school year.

    STEP 5


    Adult and Career Education teachers whose salary is currently at THR04 requesting to advance to THR05 must meet 15 consecutive school years in the THR salary table. Any years of service that previously met LAUSD prior to July 1, 2001 will be included, provided there are no breaks in service. Additionally, the 30-hours staff development requirement can be fulfilled during the last five school years immediately preceding the fifteen consecutive school year.



    Adult and Career Education Teachers cannot be in a paid status for any observations, demonstrations, or workshops undertaken for Step Advancement credit.  If the teacher received tuition or any other reimbursement from the district, Step Advancement credit shall not be granted.
    All supporting documents for Step Advancement credit must be originals.  Certificates must have the name of the employee, ending date of the activity, exact number of hours, and approving facilitator signatures. 

  • Acceptable Staff Development

  • Staff Development for Salary Step Advancement


    Staff Development activities include but are not limited to the following:

    1. Attendance at Conferences
    2. Attendance at Workshops
    3. Attendance at Seminars
    4. Level I Coursework
    5. Level II Coursework
    6. Development of Course Outlines
    7. Evaluation of Educational Materials
    8. Presentation of a Demonstration Lesson for New Teachers
    9. Peer Observations for Teachers on Step A
    10. Peer Observations for Teachers on Step B
    11. Presentation of a Workshop
    12. Co-Presentation of a Workshop



    Distance learning is defined as alternative deliveries of instruction other than strictly face-to-face contact with the instructor. Under distance learning, the definition of instructor “contact hours” is expanded to include a variety of instructional methods such as videotaped/televised lessons, electronic conferencing (e-mail, chat stations, collaborative on-line laboratories, etc.), telephone conferencing, residential conferences, etc. In all cases, the distance learning program must offer the employee opportunities to interact with the instructor. Distance learning programs that rely predominantly on print-based correspondence, will continue to be denied for salary point credit. 


    LAUSD’s Professional Support Branch 

    Click the link to a list of available courses: Professional Support Branch

    Teachers paid on the Teachers Hourly Rate (THR) salary table may also receive Step Advancement credit through LAUSD’s Professional Support Branch. Point Project Classes (P) are classes offered by the District and Non-accredited Classes (NA) are classes offered by outside organizations. 

    Inquiries regarding P form, please contact the instructor.
    Inquiries regarding NA classes, please call (213) 241-4106.

    (Individual teachers are ultimately responsible for following the correct procedures to obtain staff development credit.)



  • Contact

            Maria Sotomayor

    Phone Icon (213) 241-4953 (8AM-5PM)

    eMail Iconadultandcareered@lausd.net

      Drop Pin  Address:

    333 S. Beaudry Avenue,
    15th Floor

    Los Angeles, CA 90017 


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