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Safety Alerts

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    Safety Alert No.
    Title Date Issued 
    05-03 Approval of Chemical Products for District Use Jun-2024(Rev.)
    24-02 Heat Illness Prevention for Student Athletes July-24
    22-02 Rev Fireworks and Air Quality July-24 (Rev.)
    24-01 School Traffic Safety April-24
    17-02 Solar Eclipse Viewing Precautions Mar-24 (Rev.)
    23-02 Donating Soon to Expire Hand Sanitizer Sept-23
    20-03 Rev Cal OSHA Reporting Requirement for Serious Injury and Illness Jun-23 (Rev.)
    23-01 Disposing of Expired Chemical Products Jan-23
    05-01 Rev   Cal-OSHA Log of Injuries and Illnesses   Jan-23 (Rev.)  
    20-01 Home Office Ergonomics Dec-21 (Rev.)
    21-01 Voluntary Use of N95 Respirators Jul-21
    19-03 Notification Requirements for the U.S. EPA Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule Dec-20 (Rev.)
    19-02 Procedure for Handling and Disposing of Vaping Devices Dec-19
    19-01 Safe Disposal of Medical Needles Feb-19
    18-01 Lead in Drinking Water Program Update No. 2    Aug-18
    04-07_Rev Preventing Mosquito-Borne Diseases  Aug-18 (Rev.)
    16-03 Summer Flushing Procedures for Drinking Water Mar-18 (Rev.)
    03-08 Mercury Hazards Mar-18 (Rev.)
    17-03 Preventing Strain and Sprain Injuries Sept-17
    17-01 Electrical Outlet and Extension Cord Safety Feb-17
    16-06  Daylight Saving Time Safety Precautions  Nov-16 
    16-05  Wild Mushroom Precautions        Sept-16 
    16-04  Reuse of Disposable Water Bottles   Aug-16 
    16-02     Firestick Plant May-16 
    16-01 Lead in Drinking Water Program Update  Feb-16
    05-11 Disposal Procedures for Hazardous Waste & Universal Waste Aug-15 (Rev)
    15-03 Student Furniture Inspection Final Jun-15
    Tablet & Computer Charging Cart Precautions  May-15 
    07-05     Prevention Measures and Clean-Up Procedures for Communicable Diseases  Apr-15 (Rev) 
    14-06 Safety of Artificial Turf Fields  Dec-14 
    14-05 Unauthorized Pesticide Use of Chinese Chalk Sep-14
    03-09 Preparations for Sheltering-In-Place May-14
    14-03 Warning Labels for California Proposition 65 Jan-14   
    14-01 Hazard Communication Jan-14
    14-14 Accident Investigation and Reporting Sep-13 (Rev.)
    13-02 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Systems & Indoor Air Quality Jun-13
    13-01 Water Intrusion Issues in School Buildings Jun-13
    04-11 Holiday Safety Nov-12 (Rev.)
    12-05 Trash Dumpster Maintenance & Sanitation Oct-12
    12-04        Occupancy Inspections for New Schools & Modernization Projects  Jun-12 
    12-02 Asbestos Warning Signs Apr-12
    11-04 Safety Valet Program Jul-11
    11-02 In-Wall Tables and Benches (Click here for a related Principal's Safety Video or Principal & Custodial Staff Safety Video) Feb-11
    10-03 Integrated Pest Management Program Policy and Procedures Dec-10
    03-13 Responding to Wildfire Ash Deposits in Schools Sep-09 (Rev.)
    06-04 EPA Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest Form Aug-07 (Rev.)
    06-03 Vehicle Parking on School Playgrounds Aug-07 (Rev.)
    07-04 Distribution of Foreign Manufactured Items Aug-07    
    05-12 Disposal Practices for Storm Water and Sewer Drains Nov-05
    05-10 Modifications to Asbestos and Lead Containing Materials Aug-05
    05-08 Discharge of Photographic Chemicals Jun-05
    03-11 Procedure for Disposal of Electronic Devices Apr-05 (Rev.)
    05-04 Water-Damaged Plaster Ceilings Mar-05
    05-02 Indoor Environmental Quality Jan-05
    04-10 Pedestrian Safety in Parking Structures Nov-04
    04-09 Safety Precautions for Staff at School Sites Under Construction  Sep-04 (Rev.)
    04-06 Respirator Use and Fit Testing May-04
    04-05 Machine Guarding Apr-04
    04-02 Restricting Access to Attics, Roof-Tops and Crawl Spaces Oct-03
    04-02 Reporting Safety Hazards May-03 (Rev.)
    03-10 Preventing Lead Exposure During Construction and Renovation May-03
    03-07 Response to Sewer System Back-Ups Apr-03
    02-05 Modifications to Building Materials That May Contain Asbestos Dec-02
    02-06 Dumpster Sanitation Nov-02
    02-05 Seismic Bracing Jun-02
    02-04 Reporting Work Related Fatalities or Serious Injuries Jun-02
    02-03A Sharp and Dangerous Objects Found in School Playgrounds Jun-02
    02-03 Chemical Handling Safety Procedures for Schools Mar-02
    01-04 Procedures for Responding to a Toxic Air Release Nov-01
    01-03 Procedures Related to Suspicious Substances (White Powder, etc.) Oct-01