Refugee Educational Support Program (RESPite)

  • Refugee Education Support Program

    The Refugee Educational Support Program (RESPite) is funded by the Federal Refugee School Impact Program and State of California CalNEW program. The funding is provided for activities that lead to the effective integration and education of refugee children.

    Services may include:

    • Needs assessment with a Student and Family Resources Navigator
    • After-school programming
    • Summer school programming

    and more!

  •  News & Announcements

  • Contact Us

    Refugee Educational Support Program (RESPite)

    333 South Beaudry Ave. 18th Floor
    Los Angeles, CA 90017

    Stephanie Vasquez
    P: (213) 522-8545

    Stephanie Vasquez

    Region East

    Alvaro Castellanos Rodriguez
    P: (213) 241-0555

    Alvaro Castellanos

    Region South / West

    Aileen Salomon
    P: (213) 522-8545

    Aileen Salomon

    Region North

    Soraya Fallah
    P: (818) 845-6707

                   Soraya Fallah