- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Understanding Salary Tables
The video clarifies how to use the LAUSD Certificated Salary Tables. The video also contains important information regarding frequently asked questions and provides insight to help certificated staff members understand how to use the salary tables.
Salary Table FAQs
- Where can I obtain a salary table?
The salary tables for credentialed and non-credentialed K-12 teachers, development center and early education center teachers, adult school teachers, K-12 substitute teachers, administrators and special services employees, may be downloaded into and printed from your computer. Please click on the salary tables link.
- What is a salary point?
A salary point is a unit of measurement used by the District to determine placement/advancement on the salary table. A salary point is equivalent to one semester unit or 1.5 quarter units. As defined by the University of California, a semester unit requires a minimum of 15 contact hours with an instructor and 30 hours of outside preparation; one quarter unit requires a minimum of 10 contact hours with an instructor and 20 hours of outside preparation. One quarter unit is equivalent to 2/3 of a semester unit or .667 of a semester unit.
1 semester unit = 1 salary point
1 quarter unit = .667 of a salary point (e.g., 12 quarter units = 8 salary points)
- How many salary points do I have on file?
When an application for salary credit is submitted to the Salary Allocation Unit, receipts that include any salary point/multiculture experience credit granted for that submission and total salary points on file are sent to the employee. It is recommended that employees keep these receipts for their personal records or, if necessary, email the Salary Allocation Unit with any questions or concerns.
- What is a salary pay scale group/ pay scale level?
The Teacher Preparation Salary Table (T or L Table) is a grid consisting of:
Salary Pay Scale Groups - based on a certain number of salary points (left-hand column of the salary table)*
Salary Pay Scale Level - based on years of paid service (top row)***
Brenda Neblett
Salary Credits Supervisor
(213) 241-6121
333 S. Beaudry Avenue,
15th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017