• Professional Services

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Rental of a Non-District Facility/Catering

Procurement Policies and Procedures

Procurement Manual 

Purchase Order Terms & Conditions

PSD Fingertip Facts

Master Agreements

Unified Digital Instructional Procurement Plan

Procurement Year-End Closing Timelines, FY23-24


Please visit Procurement Forms to obtain documents necessary for your purchase or transaction.

See the Procurement Manual for Procurement policies and guidelines.

Visit Solicitations to see what bidding opportunities are available for the Contract Administration & Procurement Branch: Professional Services Stock, Non-stock, and Foods Team.

Please use this link for Procurement Services Division/Facilities Contracts: Bidding Opportunities (

Please visit Vendors/Contractors Resources to register, see Purchase Order Terms and Conditions, and more.

  • The Professional Services department assists schools and offices in acquiring various types of professional services that are necessary for the operation of school sites and central operations, ensuring services are obtained at competitive prices in a manner that guarantees fairness in the selection of contractors and minimizes opportunities for fraud, waste, and abuse. District policy requires that all professional services contracts be competed in order to ensure that interested vendors are given an opportunity to submit a proposal and to obtain fair pricing. 

    See the Procurement Manual for Procurement policies and guidelines.  


    Master Agreements for Professional Services

    Various Master Agreements have been established for Professional Services. Visit Master Agreements for Professional Services to view the available contracts and to determine if the services offered will fulfill your requirements. 


  • Purchasing Policies and Guidelines

    Schools and offices are encouraged to use P-card for purchasing goods and general services under $5,000.  However P-card cannot be used for purchasing professional services. Visit the Credit Card Unit for more information. 

    Procurement Job aid link



    Use the Procurement Job Aid to explore the the various purchasing methods available to procure different types of services, and the documentation needed in order to process procurement requests.

    Please note that Procurement staff will review and oversee procurement processes, compete further as needed, and generate purchase orders after consulting with schools/offices.