• Enrollment FAQ's



  • Enrollment New Kindergarten / UTK Enrollment

  • When can I enroll my child in UTK/Kindergarten for the next/upcoming school year?

  • Enrollment Kindergarten/UTK Age Eligibility Guidelines

  • Is my child old enough for UTK/Kindergarten?

  • Enrollment School of Residence

  • How do I find my child’s home school?

  • Enrollment

  • Do I have to enroll online? Can I go to the school to enroll?

  • I want to enroll in LAUSD?

  • Enrollment Enroll.lausd.net

  • Why can’t I use enroll.lausd.net to enroll my child in a LAUSD school?

  • UTK Enrollment 

  • What is the eligibility for UTK?

  • Virtual Academy 

  • What is the difference between Virtual Academy Pre-Enrollment and Transfer Requests?

  • Enrollment Dual Language Education

  • Can I enroll my child in a Dual Language program in LAUSD?

  • Zone of Choice

  • What if my neighborhood school is in a Zone of Choice, how do I enroll?

  • Independent Charter Schools (conversion resident schools)

  • What if my assigned neighborhood school is an Independent Charter School?

  • Enrollment Choices Applications

  • When is the Choices application due?

  • Enrollment: Age 18 and above

  • I am 18 years old, can I remain/enroll in high school?

  • Open Enrollment

  • What is Open Enrollment and how can I apply?

  • Intra district permits

  • If I live within the L.A. Unified boundary and want my child to attend a neighborhood school that is not my resident school, how do I apply?

  • Permits

  • I applied for an inter-district (district-to-district) permit and didn’t receive a confirmation number and it doesn’t seem to be going through, what can I do?

  • When can I apply for an inter-district (district-to-district) permit?

  • I applied for an inter-district (district-to-district) permit; how can I check the status of my application?

  • Can my student attend a different LAUSD school?

  • How can I apply for a permit?

  • Learning at Home

  • What are my options for learning at home?