School Construction Bond Citizens' Oversight Committee

  • School Construction Bond Citizens' Oversight Committee

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the Bond Oversight Committee and what do you do?
    The School Construction Bond Citizens' Oversight Committee is an all-volunteer group whose mission is to oversee the expenditure of money for the construction, repair, and modernization of schools by LAUSD and to communicate its findings to the Board and the public so that school bond funds are invested as the voters intended and that projects are completed wisely and efficiently.

    What public events are going on in my area?
    Everyone is invited to attend community and public planning events. Follow this link for upcoming meetings.

    What is Proposition BB?
    Proposition BB is a school bond measure that authorizes LAUSD to issue $2.4 billion in bonds for the construction of new schools and the repair and modernization of existing schools through the district to improve local schools and relieve classroom overcrowding. The ballot measure was approved in April 1997 by 71% of voters.

    What is Measure R?
    Measure R is a school bond measure that authorizes LAUSD to issue $3.87 Billion in bonds to continue repair/upgrade of aging classrooms and build neighborhood schools. The measure was passed in March 2004 by 63% of voters

    What is Measure K?
    Measure K is a school bond measure that authorizes LAUSD to issue $3.35 billion in bonds for repair and renovation of existing schools and to build neighborhood schools to improve local schools and relieve classroom overcrowding. The measure was passed in November 2002 by 64% of voters.

    What is Measure Y?
    Measure Y is a school bond measure that authorizes LAUSD to issue $3.985 billion in bonds to continue repair/upgrade of aging classrooms and to build new neighborhood schools. The measure was passed in November 2005 by 66% of the voters.

    What is Measure Q?
    Measure Q is a school bond measure that authorizes LAUSD to issue $7 billion in bonds to continue repair/upgrade of aging classrooms. The measure was passed November 2008 by 69% of the voters.

    What happened to the BB Oversight Committee?
    The current Bond Oversight Committee (BOC) replaced the BB Oversight Committee upon adoption of the Charter and Memorandum of Understanding, effective July 2002.

    Who sits on the Oversight Committee?
    Please visit our Members page to find out who is currently sitting on the Oversight Committee.

    How are Oversight Committee members chosen?
    The Board of Education appoints organizations, which in-turn nominate individuals to serve on the Oversight Committee.

    Does the Oversight Committee issue reports of its findings and activities?
    The BOC issues quarterly reports of its activities and findings, as well as reports on specific issues as necessary. These reports can be found on the reports page.

    How can I contact the Oversight Committee?
    Please email us at or (213) 241-5183.

    When and where does the Oversight Committee meet?
    Please visit the Meetings tab above to find out information about previous and link upcoming meeting.

    Why do we need to pass more bonds? What about the lottery money?
    Lottery proceeds account for approximately 1% of LAUSD's budget (about $100 million) and are not used for school construction. The lottery money is used for instructional materials and student activities.

    How much money is the Oversight Committee responsible for monitoring?
    $2.4 billion in Proposition BB funds; $3.34 billion in Measure K funds; $3.87 in Measure R funds; $3.985 billion on Measure Y funds; and $7 billion in Measure Q funds.

    Quick Links
    Contact Us
      333 South Beaudry Ave., 23rd Floor
      Los Angeles, CA 90017
      Ph: 213-241-5183