Community Partnerships

Community Partnerships

Community Partnership Process

  • Fillable Work Order Form (applicable to any BSAP service)

    1. Complete the top section.
    2. Check the appropriate grade level and one of the objectives listed under COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP (#4-#10).
    3. Principal or Designee signature required.
    4. Email a copy of the Work Order and the Vendor Quote to your BSAP Regional Administrative Coordinator:
      1. Michelle Bryant: Region West
      2. Kim Mitchell-Dismukes: Region South
      3. Kim Wright: Region North
      4. Traci Ausby: Region East
    5. Confirm that Program 13361 has the requested funds on the "Professional Contract" line.
    6. Please submit documents to Procurement/Ariba once you have gotten approval from your BSAP Regional Administrative Coordinator.