This policy provides a framework to guide the Board of Education and District staff in establishing a coordinated and coherent approach to fulfilling its authorizing responsibilities effectively and promoting the quality of the schools it charters. To the extent this policy conflicts with any law, the law supersedes this policy and the validity and effect of the rest of this policy shall not be affected.
This Proposition 39 Charter Schools Co-Location Policy ("Policy") is established pursuant to the Board of Education Resolution entitled, "Creating a Charter Schools Co-Location Policy to Mitigate Impacts Caused by Proposition 39" (Res-026-22/23), adopted on September 26, 2023.
State and federal legislation, laws and regulations, and policy guidance for charter schools, as provided by the California Department of Education.
This page contains the data reporting policy that charter schools should follow using CALPADS and CBEDS-ORA, according to the California Department of Education.
This page contains general information from the California Department of Education about what a charter school is and information on how to start a charter school.
This bulletin clarifies the procedure for providing student cumulative records to charter schools that are conversion charter schools or were chartered as part of Public School Choice.
This page contains a list of applicable policies. This list is in addition to all other requirements that are outlined in the document entitle "District Required Language." Moreover, this list does not include District policies specific and facilities related agreements (e.g. Proposition 39, co-location, etc.)
This bulletin addresses the expectations and requirements of charter schools colocated on District properties within the context of Education Code Section 47614 and its accompanying implementing regulations issued by the State Board of Education, which require the District to maintain the condition of the facility as a safe learning environment.
This page contains guidance and direction regarding charter schools' pre-and post-lottery enrollment forms to address issues that may directly or indirectly discourage some parents from enrolling their children at the charter school.
The Ralph M. Brown Act is California's open meeting law. The law's intent is that the actions of public commissions, boards and councils in California be taken openly and that their deliberations be conducted openly. (Government Code section 54950.)
This bulletin serves as a reminder to all district and charter schools to provide a copy of the complete cumulative record of a student who has transferred within 10 schooldays after it is requested.
BUL-5439.0 (03-11-2011) may not reflect current District policies and procedures. A revised bulletin is under development and is anticipated to come out for the 2015-2016 school year.