Student Success Metrics

  • BSAP School Site Scorecards Are Here!

    Group 1 Scorecards CLICK HERE

    Group 2 Scorecards CLICK HERE

    Group 3 Scorecards CLICK HERE


    Click Each Link Below For a Detailed Report of BSAP Spring Parent and Student Survey Results


    Group 1 Schools Survey Results CLICK HERE

    Group 2 Schools Survey Results CLICK HERE



  • Welcome to the Student Success Metrics page. Here you will learn about how we make data-based decisions to determine where to allocate resources and evaluate progress aligned to our 16 indicators.

    Successful Black student achievement is defined by high academic performance, strong social-emotional awareness and management, and a positive cultural identity. Furthermore, strategies and methods utilized to cultivate these things shall be directly responsive to the unique needs of Black students due in large, to the historic and ongoing social and economic conditions experienced by Black people.


  • February 8, 2022 Board Presentation