- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Families
Bullying is a hot button issue. No child should be bullied. However, research shows that the word "bully" is one of the most misused words. There is a wide range of child and youth behaviors, and a continuum of undesired behaviors, but not all amount to bullying.LAUSD offers a number of resources that schools and families can utilize to support students in building their social and emotional skills. The California Department of Education also provides bullying prevention training materials, publications and resources at: Bullying Prevention Training & Resources - School Environment (CA Dept of Education). Below, please find resources for families and community members to utilize to help understand bullying and students' wellness.
Defining Bullying
Effective March 11, 2022 bullying is defined as any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act(s) or conduct, communications made in writing or by means of an electronic act, and including one or more acts committed by a pupil or group of pupils as defined in Section 48900.2, 49800.3, 49800.4, directed toward one or more pupils that has or can reasonably predicted to have the effect of one ore more of the following:
- Placing a reasonable pupil or pupils in fear of or harm to that pupil’s/those pupils’ person or property.
- Causing a reasonable pupil to experience a substantially detrimental effect on the pupil’s physical or mental health.
- Causing a reasonable pupil to experience substantial interference with the pupil’s academic performance.
- Causing a reasonable pupil to experience substantial interference with the pupil’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or
privileges provided by a school.
Hazing is the initiation or pre-initiation into a pupil organization or body, whether the organization or body is officially recognized by an educational
institution, which is likely to cause serious bodily injury, personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to a former, current or prospective pupil (CA Ed. Code § 48900(q, r), CA Penal Code § 245.6), regardless of the person’s willingness to participate.Discrimination is different treatment on the basis of an actual or perceived membership in, or association with, a protected category in the context of an educational program or activity, without a legitimate nondiscriminatory reason, that interferes with or limits the ability of the student to participate in or benefit from the services, activities or privileges provided by the District.
Bullying can be manifested in a variety of forms that include, but are not limited to, the following:
Cyberbullying is bullying by electronic act, which includes transmission of a communication by text, sound, image, video, message, website post, social network activity, or other form of communication sent by an electronic device (Ed. Code 32261 (g).
Verbal bullying includes hurtful gossiping, making rude noises, making threats, name-calling, spreading rumors, or teasing.
Physical bullying includes intentional, unwelcome acts of beating, biting, fighting, hitting, kicking, poking, punching, pushing, shoving, spitting, or tripping.
Social or relational bullying includes spreading rumors, manipulating relationships, exclusion, blackmailing, isolating, rejecting, using peer pressure and ranking personal characteristics.
Bullying and Hazing Policy
The Bullying and Hazing Policy BUL-5212.3 defines bullying & hazing behavior and provides procedures and responsibilities for how school staff, parents, and students are expected to manage and resolve bullying behavior.
Attachment A - Complaint Form (English, Spanish, Armenian, Chinese, Korean)
Attachment B - Allegation Investigation Worksheet
Attachment C - Individualized Student Success Plan (English, Spanish, Armenian, Chinese, Korean)
Attachment D - Sample Letter of Findings (English, Spanish, Armenian, Chinese, Korean)
Attachment E - Safe, Respectful, Responsible (English, Spanish, Armenian, Chinese, Korean)
Attachment F - Safe, Respectful, Responsible EL (English, Spanish, Armenian, Chinese, Korean)
Attachment G - Bully Complaint Manager Poster
Attachment H - Bully Complaint Manager Poster EL
Attachment I - Sample Bullying Complaint Log
Attachment J - Bullying Brochure (English, Spanish, Armenian, Chinese, Korean)
Report Bullying
Please report allegations and hazing incidents to the school administration or complaint manager of the school where the incident occurred. Please allow for at least two school days for preliminary response from the school administration. You may also contact the designated Region. To determine which Region your school belongs to, visit lausd.org website under "locate school". Allegations of bullying and hazing are taken seriously and will be investigated.
Bullying and Hazing Bulletin and Complaint Form (English and Spanish) -
Additional Resources
Supporting Religious Diversity - HRDE, LAUSD
Video: How to be Inclusive at School - San Fernando HS
How to Help a Child Stop Bullying Other Kids - the Choose Kindness Project
How to Help a Child Being Bullied - the Choose Kindness Project
Article: Other Types of Aggressive Behavior - StopBullying.gov
Article: Are We Too Quick to Cry 'Bully'? - CNN
Tips: Supporting the Kids Involved - StopBullying.gov
Tips: Working in the Community - StopBullying.gov
Tips: Finding Out What Happened - StopBullying.gov
Tips & Definitions: The Roles Kids Play in Bullying - StopBullying.gov
Tips & Resources: What is Bullying? - StopBullying.gov
Resources: What Kids Can Do - StopBullying.gov
Resources: Bullying FAQ - California Department of Education
Resources: What Parents Should Know About Bullying - PACER National Bullying Prevention Center
Q & A: Bullying 101 - PACER National Bullying Prevention Center
Toolkit: Teens Against Bullying - PACER National Bullying Prevention Center
ToolKit: Include Someone, Make A Difference (Elementary) - PACER National Bullying Prevention Center
Toolkit: Kids Against Bullying - PACER National Bullying Prevention Center
Booklist: Pre-K through High School - PACER National Bullying Prevention Center
Resources: A Parent's Resource Guide to Social and Emotional Learning - Edutopia
Toolkit: Color-Brave Caregiver - EmbraceRace
Tips: Reporting Cyberbullying - StopBullying.gov
Article: What is Cyberbullying? - StopBullying.gov
Article: Cyberbullying - PACER National Bullying Prevention Center
Department Contact
Judy Chiasson, Ph.D
Office email: humanrelations@lausd.net
Phone: (213) 241-0754
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