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  • Job Safety Analysis - JSA

    Employees who work with equipment and tools must work safely to ensure their tasks are completed without injury. To ensure employees receive comprehensive tool safety training, the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS) and Maintenance and Operations’ (M&O) Technical Services Unit have prepared Job Safety Analyses (JSA).

    A job safety analysis (JSA) is a procedure that helps incorporate recognized safety and health principles and procedures into a specific task or job operation and recommends the safest way to do the job.

    JSAs should be used to train employees on safe practices prior to operating the equipment or tool. Department leaders and employees’ supervisors are responsible for implementing job-specific safety training and JSAs. After the operator reads, understands and signs the JSA form, forms must kept on site for 5 years.

    If employees who routinely utilize equipment and tools identify hazards or steps missing from the JSA, please contact OEHS or your M&O Area’s Accident Prevention Officer. If your department would like to request the development of a JSA for a specific piece of equipment or tool please OEHS at (213) 241-3199 or OEHSQuestions@lausd.net