Federal Program Monitoring

  • Description of how sites are selected for visits.

    Both state and federal laws require the California Department of Education (CDE) to monitor categorical programs operated by LEAs. This state oversight is accomplished in part by annually monitoring one quarter of all LEAs. Using the eleven county service regions, LEAs are placed in cycles A, B, C, or D. Due to its size, Los Angeles Unified School District is monitored annually. The monitoring cycles are available at the Compliance Monitoring web site. CDE monitors LEAs for compliance with requirements of each categorical program, including fiscal requirements. Although all LEAs in a cycle are monitored, only a representative group of LEAs are selected for a monitoring visit.

    The selection criteria used for determining FPM visits is objective and grounded in law.

    California Education Code, Section 64001(b) requires that the “…Superintendent of Public Instruction shall establish the…criteria for differentiating these reviews based on the achievement of pupils, as demonstrated by the Academic Performance Index…and evidence of district compliance with state and federal law.”

    Please visit the following link to learn more about the five steps used in selecting sites for a FPM visit:


CDE EL Monitoring FPM Instruments