
    Arts Ed Branch


  •  dance






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  • Dance


    Dance home

    Dance is a universal form of communication and expression. It reflects the values, traditions, thoughts, feelings and imaginings of societies, individuals, and cultures. Dance is the birthright of every human, and a celebration of humanity. People have danced since the dawn of time, and have passed down their dance traditions in both formal and informal ways.
    In LAUSD, we believe that dance is an integral part of our students' education, Pre-K through 12. As such, it is our goal to provide a rigorous, standards-based dance curriculum which allows our students to dance, create dances, observe and appreciate dance, and make connections to, with and through dance to the world around them and - ultimately - to themselves.
    These standards reflect the artistic processes by which arts learning and making are realized.

    Statement of Best Practices in Fair Use of Dance-Related Materials

    Published in 2009, this document is a statement of best practices in fair use. It clarifies what is currently regarded as a reasonable application of the Copyright Act's fair use doctrine, where the use of copyrighted materials is essential to significant cultural missions and institutional goals. In this time of targeted distance learning, it is a valuable resource for dance educators.


    Contact Information:

    Shana Habel
    K-12 Arts Coordinator
    (213) 241-2473
    "Dance, dance, otherwise we are lost."
    - Pina Bausch