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    Visually Impaired Program

    Visually Impaired Program (VI) is one of the Related Services under Special Education Department which provides services to students ages 3 through 22 with visual acuity of 20/70 or worse in the better eye with correction and/or severe visual field loss in both eyes. Eligibility is based on a medical report from an eye doctor and an assessed need for intervention. Referrals are accepted from school staff, parents, outside medical providers and community agencies. The School Nurse assigned in the schools obtains eye medical information and facilitate the referral process to the VI Program.

    The services range from VI itinerant services to students in general education classrooms; service in a VI special day program on a general education campus; itinerant services for students at a special education school and the school for the Visually Impaired. Additional support services include Orientation and Mobility, Braille transcription and reader services for the blind.

    The VI School Nurse is responsible for:

    • Consult/communicate with eye care providers regarding the student’s eye condition and collaborate/coordinate with school personnel, including the school site nurse, to assist parents in obtaining eye medical information and appointments
    • Answer questions regarding initial referrals/VI eligibility guidelines for District-wide school staff, parents and community agencies, and liaison with parents/school staff to address concerns and questions about their student’s case
    • Assist the VI intake coordinator with initial intakes to determine appropriate follow-up, facilitate/coordinate follow-up for VI evaluations and cases
    • Participate in VI program case conferences, make home, hospital and community visits to facilitate the process for the VI program
    • Resource for school personnel regarding VI students on their campus, provides in- service education/staff development to school staff regarding pertinent heath issues and the VI program


    REF-5527.0 Visually Impaired Program: Referral, Assessment, and Scope of Service

    Program contact:
    Visually Impaired Program, Bellevue PC
    610 Micheltorena Street
    Los Angeles, California 90026
    Phone: 323-669-4363  |  Fax: 323-669-4366  |  VIMedicalRecords@lausd.net



    Contact Info

    121 N. Beaudry Ave.,
    Los Angeles, CA 90012 
    P: (213) 202-7580
    F: (213) 580-6557
    E: DistrictNursing@lausd.net

    Sosse Bedrossian, MSN, MA, RN, FNP-C


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