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    Carlson Home, Hospital & Home Online Academy Instructional Services

    The District’s policy, in accordance with state law, is that K-12 students whose medical or psychiatric needs or other circumstances prevent them from attending their current school of attendance shall continue to receive educational services through the Carlson Home Hospital School, when this option is appropriate.

    Instruction in the home or hospital is provided pursuant to state law for eligible general education and special education students in grades K-12 whose non-contagious, temporary medical disability prevents attendance in a regular day class or alternative educational program for a limited period of time. The intent is to maintain continuity of the student‘s instructional program during the interim period of disability. A home/hospital teacher provides instruction in subjects/courses correlated with the student‘s school program to the maximum extent possible. Home/Hospital instruction is designed as a temporary interim service. It shall not replace, over an extended period of time, the regularly required instructional program. Instruction in the home/hospital will commence (1) when the attending physician authorizes service to begin, based upon the student‘s ability to participate, and (2) upon receipt of the parent‘s authorization for temporary transfer of educational duties. Instruction in the home/hospital for a temporary period of time is also provided for students with a current Individualized Education Program (IEP) or students with a Section 504 Plan – under certain circumstances.

    The School Nurse’s Role

    The School Nurses both at Carlson Home Hospital School and the cumulative record carrying school play a very important role in assisting the student to receive services from Carlson Home Hospital School, in order to maintain continuity of education, during the interim period of disability.

    The School Nurse at the cumulative record carrying school facilitates the completion of the referral and faxes it to Carlson Home Hospital School upon completion. The School Nurse is also responsible for the health assessments of students with an active IEP, as the placement changes to Carlson Home Hospital School. The School Nurse at Carlson Home Hospital School is an invaluable team member in reviewing the referrals and determining the eligibility for services. When a student returns to his/her school of attendance, the School Nurse of that school shall review current health information, conference with parents/guardians, discuss progress to date, and determine appropriate support and services needed to meet a student’s unique needs. For those students returning with an active IEP, the school nurse at the student’s school of attendance is responsible for the health assessment, as the placement changes back to that school of attendance. The school nurse shall review current health information, conference with parents/guardians, and consider a student’s eligibility, discuss progress to date, along with the IEP team, and determine appropriate support and services needed to meet a student’s unique needs.


    Bulletin 1229.3, 7/2/2018 - Carlson Home, Hospital & Home Online Academy Instructional Services 

    Referral Forms:  Home Medical Referral

                                Hospital Medical Referral

                                Psychiatric Referral for Home Instruction

                                Non-Medical Referral for Home Instruction


    Benita Bodnar, MA, R.N.
    School Nurse
    Carlson Home Hospital School
    10952 Whipple Street
    North Hollywood, CA 91602
    Phone: (818) 509-8759  |  Fax: (818) 505-0246 | brb2983@lausd.net


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    Contact Info

    121 N. Beaudry Ave.,
    Los Angeles, CA 90012 
    P: (213) 202-7580
    F: (213) 580-6557
    E: DistrictNursing@lausd.net

    Sosse Bedrossian, MSN, MA, RN, FNP-C


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