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    Pre-school Transition School Nurse

    The Pre-school Transition School Nurse has a thorough knowledge and expertise in: the traditional school health program, special education policies and procedures, nursing care of students with special needs and Specialized Physical Health Care Services (Protocols).

    Facilitates transition of Pre-school students from home to school by doing the following:

    • Reviews IEP and assists school nurse as needed to ensure appropriate documentation and offer of health and nursing service.
      Reviews recommendations from Review of Support Services Due to Health needs and collaborates with Special Education Resource Nurse regarding services and placement of District Assigned Qualified Provider (DAQP). Coordinates with student’s Licensed Health Care Provider to obtain and update authorizations for Specialized Physical Health Care Services. Reviews protocols and medication orders in Welligent for pre-school students enrolled in Early Education Centers. Trains DAQP on Specialized Physical Health Care Services (protocols) and documentation and provides supervision in the delivery of services. Consults with Related Services (PT, Transportation, etc.). School nurses and Local District Support Unit staff regarding Low Incidence equipment needed by the student to access the educational environment.
    • Conducts school visits to facilitate smooth transition. Ensure classroom settings, equipment, supplies and personnel support are available and adequate. Make recommendations and referrals as needed. Collaborates with site administrator, school nurse and teachers to determine support and trainings necessary to meet student’s needs including SPHCS (Protocols). Provides in-service/trainings for designated school staff regarding child-specific health needs (i.e. Seizure Precautions and First Aid, Choking Preventions, etc.)

    Other responsibilities include:

    • Provides assistance to site school nurses with transitioning preschool students to Kindergarten
    • Participates in IEP meetings as requested for difficult, complex or high profile cases such as those on Informal Dispute Resolution (IDR), Due Process or cases with advocates
    • Serves as a resource to site school nurses and Local District IEP Nurses in the IEP process
    • Participates in the training of Special Education Assistants for Health Care Assistant positions
    • Participates in the development, revisions and updates of bulletins, protocols, guidelines and forms according to current needs and state standards
    • Provides District-wide trainings and professional development to all District staff
    • Performs other related duties to meet the nursing need of Special Education and District Nursing Services as designated by the Director of Nursing
    Program contact:
    Deborah Markus, MSN, RN, PHN, NCSN
    Coordinator, School Nursing


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    Contact Info

    121 N. Beaudry Ave.,
    Los Angeles, CA 90012 
    P: (213) 202-7580
    F: (213) 580-6557
    E: DistrictNursing@lausd.net

    Sosse Bedrossian, MSN, MA, RN, FNP-C


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