• YouthSource City Partnerships
    In an effort to address the dropout rate, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and the City of Los Angeles Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD) collaborated to develop a comprehensive dropout recovery model. Established in 2012, the City Partnership program serves youth, ages 16-24 with a focus on school re-engagement and work experience opportunities. LAUSD Pupil Services and Attendance (PSA) Counselors are co-located at 14 YouthSource Centers (YSC) and three America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) to provide comprehensive services that aim to address barriers that impede school attendance and academic achievement. 
    • Re-engage out-of-school youth in an educational setting
    • Prepare youth for the workforce
    • Link to programs and resources through the YouthSource system, community agencies, and LAUSD 

    Program Services
    • Outreach to schools, community agencies to identify non-graduates and link eligible youth to services and resources  
    • Conduct educational assessments and develop educational plans 
    • School placement and advocacy for school enrollment 
    • Support students in obtaining their high school diploma or high school equivalency certificate 
    • Summer Youth Employment for youth ages 14 – 24 
    • Link students to job readiness program and training in order to support their transition in to the workforce 
    • Provide services and link students, who violate the daytime curfew law, referred through Los Angeles School Police Department Truancy Diversion Referral to YouthSource Programs and services (13-17 years old)
    Please complete the referral form below.
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  • Contact

    Elsy Rosado
    Haide Arriaza, MSW, M.Ed
    City Partnership YouthSource Centers
    (213) 202-2018
    333 S. Beaudry Ave., 29th Floor
    Los Angeles, CA 90017

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