• FamilySource Partnership Program
    The FamilySource Partnership Program (FSPP) is a collaborative effort between the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and the City of Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCID), which began in 2014. The partnership program serves students, primarily between the ages 5-17, and families throughout LAUSD and the City of Los Angeles. Pupil Services and Attendance (PSA) Counselors are co-located at 16 FamilySource Centers (FSC) to address barriers to academic success and provide academic consultation.

    • Supports students and families through connecting them to appropriate supportive resources in FamilySource Centers (FSCs), LAUSD services and programs and other community agencies
    • Improves academic achievement outcomes for all students served
    • Increases tools and support for students and families to be college and career ready

    Program Services

    • Outreach and collaboration with FamilySource Centers, LAUSD schools and programs, and community agencies to inform and engage LAUSD families and students
    • Conduct academic and socio-emotional assessments that will help link students and families to District and community resources to support academic achievement and attendance
    • Educate, support and empower parent and student engagement through parenting classes and workshops and student groups
    • Assess and connect students referred through the Los Angeles School Police Department Diversion Referral program to FamilySource, District and other community agency services

    If you are interested in referring a student and/or family for services, please click here to complete the referral form.



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    2019-2020 FamilySource Executive Summary

    2018-2019 FamilySource Executive Summary

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    FSPP Map

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    FamilySource Brochure (English)

    FamilySource Brochure (Spanish)


  • FamilySource Partnership - Video


  • “Working together to strengthen families and enhance communities to support student academic achievement.”


  • SHHS Twitter



  • Contact

    Elsy Rosado
    Betsy Lara, LCSW, M.Ed.
    Pupil Services
    FamilySource Partnership Program

    333 S. Beaudry Ave., 29th Floor
    Los Angeles, CA 90017

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