District Nursing Services Banner
  • Resources

  • Nurse Family Partnership

    The Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) Program is an evidence-based nurse home visitation program providing comprehensive health education services and support to first time pregnant teens enrolled in an LAUSD school.  It is free and voluntary to eligible participants and there are no medical or immigration restrictions.


    NFP Program Goals:

      • Improve pregnancy outcomes
      • Improve child health and development
      • Improve families’ self-sufficiency


    NFP Eligibility:

      • Currently less than 28 weeks pregnant
      • First time mothers
      • Enrolled in an LAUSD school


    Key Program Components:

      • Serves first time, at-risk mothers
      • Clients are partnered with Registered Nurses
      • Provides intensive services using the NFP Model Elements based on research, 
        expert opinion, field lessons and theoretical rationales
      • Relationship based program focusing on client-centered principles
      • Utilization of web-based performance management system to ensure 
        program fidelity
      • Home visits average one hour in duration from first trimester of pregnancy until 

        baby is 2 years of age


    For more information and success stories, visit www.nursefamilypartnership.org

    Referral process to LAUSD NFP Program:

    Complete the LAUSD NFP Referral Form and email it to NFPservices@lausd.net


    Program Contact:

    Julie Mathews

    District Nursing Services

    Roybal Annex

    P: (213) 202-7580

  • Reporting

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    Contact Info

    121 N. Beaudry Ave.,
    Los Angeles, CA 90012 
    P: (213) 202-7580
    F: (213) 580-6557
    E: DistrictNursing@lausd.net

    Sosse Bedrossian, MSN, MA, RN, FNP-C


    Quick Links

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