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  • Audiometric Testing Program

    Audiometric Testing The Audiometric Testing Program (Audiometry) provides District-wide hearing screenings for both General Education students and Special Education students. Hearing screenings are mandated by the State of California.

    State Mandates:

          •  Kindergarten, 2nd, 5th, 8th
              grade students. Students new to
              California in non-mandated grade levels.

          •  Students new to California at the Senior High level
          •  Special Education students: 
               1.  Initial Individual Education Program (IEP)
                 2.  30-day placement IEPs (students new to California)
               3.  Triennial (3 year IEPs)

    Staff members utilize equipment that meet ANSI specifications.  Staff follow the State testing standards for hearing screenings.  Every year, approximately 240,000 students (Pre-kinder through 12th grade) are tested by the Audiometric Testing Program.

    Audiometry testing is used to identify and refer students with hearing loss.  A hearing impairment, if not properly identified and treated, can have detrimental effects on a child's performance in the classroom.


    Program Contact:

    Maria Gonzalez, Audiometrist

    Audiometric Testing Program

    Phone: (213) 202-7588




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    Contact Info

    121 N. Beaudry Ave.,
    Los Angeles, CA 90012 
    P: (213) 202-7580
    F: (213) 580-6557
    E: DistrictNursing@lausd.net

    Sosse Bedrossian, MSN, MA, RN, FNP-C


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