Work Experience Education Office
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- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Student Work Permits
Student Work Permits
Updated: 12/18/2024
General Work Permits (Fall, Winter and Spring)
Students seeking a General Work Permit during the academic year must contact their school of attendance first to determine if their school is issuing work permits. If work permits may not be obtained from the home school site, the Work Experience Education Office is available to assist students. Effective Monday, August 12, 2024, a student seeking a work permit from the Work Experience Education Office will also need an Authorization Letter from their school of attendance.
Work permits issued during the Fall and Spring semesters will only be issued to the minor who is seeking employment (the minor MUST be present). Before visiting the Work Experience Education Office for a General Work Permit, the minor MUST have the documents listed below:
Statement of Intent to Employ a Minor and Request for a Work Permit - Certificate of Age B1-1 Rev 02-14 (Download Form HERE)
- The form presented to the WEE Office must be completed in full and must contain the "wet signature" by the student, parent, and employer (EC 49115 (e), EC 49163 (e), Enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010).
- The form must be dated within the last month (30 days).
- Students should NOT email this form to and from the employer. Your personal information may be exposed.
School Authorization Letter (SAL) (Download Form HERE)
- The school of attendance must add the school letterhead to the form (Virtual Academies, City of Angels, Charter and Private schools, and any LAUSD school without a work permit issuer)
- The form must be dated within the last month (30 days).
- The form must contain a wet signature.
- If the form contains a digital signature, the email from which the form was received will be verified.
Current Photo ID
- Valid Government ID or Passport, or
- Photo school ID containing the date of birth. If the date of birth is not printed on the School ID, the student must also present the Certificate of Birth.
- The Work Experience Education Office will not accept an ID from a device nor will the office accept an email copy.
- A current transcript is required for home-school students only.
- Documents must contain the minor's name, date of birth, grades and attendance records.
Our office is located in downtown Los Angeles at 333 S. Beaudry Ave, Los Angeles CA 90017 (Office entrance is on 4th Street and Boylston Street). An appointment is not necessary to visit our office.
Please find below our office hours and calendar.
333 S. Beaudry Ave, 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017
Entertainment Work Permits (EWP)
If you are a minor seeking a work permit in the entertainment business, minors may download the Entertainment Work Permit Application HERE. The EWP must be signed and stamped by the minor's School of Attendance. The document may be emailed to the minor's school administrator or designee for verification of Satisfactory Grades and Attendance. The LAUSD WEE Office CANNOT sign on the school's behalf.
It is the parent/guardian's responsibility to contact the Entertainment Work Permit office to obtain the legal work permit. Additional information about obtaining an Entertainment Work Permit may be found by visiting the EWP Website: