• Small Businesses 

    The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is part of the Los Angeles community and supports small businesses within the community. In October 2015, the Board of Education has reaffirmed their commitment to the small business community by passing a small business resolution. Key components of the resolution include:
    • A District-wide small business participation minimum goal of twenty-five percent (25%) for all contracts and procurement activities as adopted in 2003, and further established a Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) participation goal of five percent (5%) for all contracts and procurement activities;
    • In order to enable small business participation, SBEs will be provided  an eight percent (8%) bid preference when bidding for the procurement of goods, or delivery of services in response to invitations for bids for only amounts under the annually adjusted bid threshold amount (currently $109,300) set for contracts pursuant to Public Contract Code section 20111; and
    • SBE’s submitting proposals or qualifications in response to  Request for Proposals (RFP) or Request for Qualifications (RFQ) have the ability to earn up to fifteen percent (15%) of the evaluation scoring points for those RFPs or RFQs. 

    In order to qualify for the above preferences, vendors must have a valid Small Business Enterprise (SBE) certification from the LAUSD or a certifying agency. Vendors may apply for certification as a small business by obtaining an application on the State of California, Department of General Service’s website link here. Small businesses must provide the LAUSD with evidence of certification from the State of California or any of the certifying agencies, if claiming above listed preferences.

    Certifying agencies recognized by LAUSD: