• Technology Purchasing Center

    Use this page to find all the information you need to purchase technology for schools, classrooms, offices, or even for personal use. Be sure to check back frequently as new information becomes available.

    Please review REF-1657.4 Procedures for Obtaining IT Support & Repair for Various Electronic and Computer  Equipment for information about support provided by ITD.
    Information about the Microsoft Voucher Program can help your school determine eligibility and choose qualifying computer equipment available for purchase under the program.    

    arey jones


    AREY JONES Computer Purchasing Center

    Access this page to select computer packages or components "a la carte" to purchase for your school or office. The equipment and components shown have been tested by our technicians and demonstrated to work with LAUSD administrative programs.



    APPLE Store for LAUSD

    Browse an array of Apple products recommended for the K-12 learning environment.

    mobile devices

    Contact the Cellular Unit to order smart phones, tablets, and other mobile devices