- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Whole Child FAQs
Why was Whole Child 2.0 Integrated Data created?
Whole Child was created to streamline and improve information gathering and analysis, collaboration and decision making in service of instruction and support for the well-being and achievement of students. The purpose is to support data-driven decision making in the work of those closest to students and the school community: teachers, counselors, principals, and other school-based staff. Whole Child 2.0 Integrated Data supports many strategies in the 22-26 Strategic Plan, including (but not limited to):- Analyzing and acting upon assessment data to guide instructional planning and personalized learning so all students reach proficiency
- Utilizing data to provide a multi-tiered system of support
- Building capacity of school teams to use data to drive improvement, including local plans and budget development
- Providing a system for user-friendly performance monitoring and data dashboards
- To support data-driven decision-making, Whole Child Integrated Data consists of various integrated datasets from sources across the District, such as MiSiS, Welligent, Schoology, and more.
How do I know when to use Whole Child 2.0 Integrated Data, MyData, or Focus Reporting and Dashboards?
Whole Child 2.0 Integrated Data is LAUSD’s latest and most advanced reporting tool focused on schools. It contains up to five years of information and is constantly being expanded to provide additional data sources. School-based staff and the administrators who oversee schools are encouraged to start first with Whole Child 2.0 Integrated Datato meet their information needs and then move to MyData, MyTeam, or Focus as needed.
Central office staff and Local District and Community of Schools staff that need data aggregated across schools should continue to use Focus Reporting & Dashboards and Executive Dashboard for that purpose.Where do I go to ask for help with using Whole Child Integrated Data?
- Go to Resources for job aids, videos, and role-based guides.
- Go to the ITS Help Desk for technical issues or questions. Live chat, telephone, and online, software application ticket submission options are available.
- For general questions about Whole Child 2.0 Integrated Data, send an email to the DCI team, and your question will be routed to the appropriate subject matter expert.
Which District jobs are supported by Whole Child 2.0 Integrated Data?
Automatic access aligned with one’s job classification is granted to most school-based certificated staff such as teachers, instructional coaches, counselors, RSP teachers, principals, and assistant principals, as well as itinerant teachers. Automatic access is also provided to a variety of Regional staff, including Regional Superintendent, Administrator of Instruction, Administrator of Operations, Regional DirectorWhich schools have data available in the Whole Child 2.0 Integrated Data?
Data is available in Whole Child 2.0 Integrated Data for all LAUSD K-12 schools.How do I know if I have automatic access to Whole Child 2.0 Integrated Data?
Go to the homepage of this website and click login. If you receive an Access Denied message or require different access, you may request access as described below.How do I request access to Whole Child 2.0 Integrated Data?
If you do not have automatic access, you must submit an access request via the oneAccess portal (https://oneaccess.lausd.net); and then an administrator must approve it.To find a description of user roles and steps for completing the process, refer to the job aid, Request Access to Whole Child 2.0 Integrated Data.I made a request in OneAccess; when should I expect to receive access?
Your request will be reviewed by your assigned approver; this person is most often your site administrator. Once approved, configurations will take 24-48 hours to synchronize from the date of approval. If rejected, contact your approver for clarification. The approver of access requests for school-site users is the school’s principal. For Region and Central Office, contact us.