- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Whole Child Training
Data informed decision-making is part of the District’s Strategic Plan and is an essential process for understanding our students’ needs during cycles of improvement (PDSA). The purpose of Data Champion Initiative (ESPO-DCI) is to provide continuous, multileveled support for schools by assisting in the development of data systems, routines, and procedures that promote a shared data culture that values, practices, and encourages the use of data to improve decision-making.
Principals are asked to submit at least one school-site educator to serve as the school's designated Data Champion. Data Champions will meet twice a month to engage in online interactive learning with ESPO-DCI team members. The learning in these sessions will coincide with a series of data implementation guides located in the ESPO-DCI Schoology group, to which the Principal and Data Champion will have access. The role of the Data Champion is to connect new data learning with their school’s data work (ILTs, PDSA cycles, SSPT, Intervention, etc.) and to promote a distributive leadership model that builds data culture and drives innovation.
- ESPO-DCI Schoology Group (Regional Directors): KMB3-R3Z6-PDCJN
- ESPO-DCI Schoology Group (Principals): GPXP-XVVN-JGJKG
- ESPO-DCI Schoology Group (Data Champions): 68M9-BWSD-JD793
- ESPO-DCI Live Sessions:
- Search “ESPO Distributive Data Leadership” on MyPLN: https://www.lausd.org/mypln
- Zoom: https://bit.ly/dci_live , 9:00-10:00 AM (Principals)
- Zoom: https://bit.ly/dci_live , 3:00-4:00 PM (Data Champions)