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  • About Our Virtual Academy

    Browse what LAUSD Virtual Academy Schools have to offer

Instructional Time

In the morning, students will join their teachers in the virtual classroom where they will have an opportunity to engage in learning from a standards-based online curriculum.

Teacher Support

At the elementary level, individual teachers will provide support for all subject matters. At the secondary level, Personalized Learning Teams (PLTs) of teachers will form a system of support and work closely with students.

Special Needs

The Virtual Academy Schools will use inclusive practices for all students and will ensure that all services and accommodations are provided according to each student’s individual education plan (IEP) or Section 504 Plan, as applicable

Second Language Support

English Learners’ progress will be monitored through Student Support and Progress Teams and Individual Reclassification Plans to accelerate reclassification


Students will collaborate with classmates on interactive, real-world projects and activities aligned to the school’s theme.

Guided Academic Pathways

Each pathway will offer students substantive exposure to career opportunities through clubs, virtual field trips, career speakers, and activities and culminating projects appropriate to age levels.

Black Student Achievement Support

Each Virtual Academy School will work to provide culturally responsive curriculum and instruction and increased staffing support to address the academic and social-emotional needs of Black students

Enhanced Support

Academic counselors, attendance counselors, and psychiatric social workers will provide wraparound services to promote academic and social-emotional success, as well as to re-engage students who need additional support

Individualized Learning

In the afternoons, students will work independently to complete individual assignments from six different course subjects.


Partnerships will provide materials and resources to students, guidance on project development, mentoring support, and professional development and training for teachers and administrators.

Family Resources

Welcome Centers located across the District will provide in-person support and service to families to ensure that all students have instructional materials and access to technology including devices and hot-spots for connectivity

Gifted Program

Students who are identified as Gifted will be clustered in classes so that inquiry-based projects can be tailored to meet their needs.

  • A Day in the Life of a Virtual Academy Student

  • Sample Elementary Schedule


    Morning Hours
    • Project Time/Instructional Support Time with class (ex: ELA, Math, Science, Arts, Social Studies)
    Afternoon Hours
    • Work independently on individual assignments and coursework
    • Intervention, tutoring, enrichment, and club opportunities
    • Check-in with supervising teacher weekly


  • Sample Middle School/High School Schedule


    Morning Hours
    • Get ready to log in to the online classroom
    • Instructional Support Time with classes (ex: ELA, Math, Social Studies, Science) 
    • Students work with their classmates on real-world projects and activities.
    Afternoon Hours
    • Work independently on individual assignments and coursework
    • Intervention, tutoring, enrichment, and club opportunities
    • Check-in with supervising teacher weekly