Local District West

     Local District West
              Title I Program 

    "The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and State academic assessments."
                                                                                 -United States Department of Education    


    Title I Program
    The Title I program receives federal funding from the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA/Title I, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001).  Title I funds are allocated to schools based on poverty percentages on the annual Title I ranking.  These percentages are determined by the number of low-income students, aged 5 to 17, enrolled on CBEDS day who qualify for free- or reduced-price meals or CALWORKS.  The intent of Title I program is to meet the educational needs of children in low-income households and children in local institutions for neglected or delinquent children.  Participants include students who are at risk of failing, disabled, and English Learners.  The Title I program supplements services needed to raise the academic achievement level of kindergarten through grade 12 participants in basic and advanced skills.  

    To view the current Title I Ranking, Click Here

    LD West Title 1 Coordinators' Role:
    To design, develop, and administer a technical support system that will assist central offices, Local Districts, and schools to execute federal and state school improvement mandates and to utilize site based resources that result in improved student learning.

    We provide capacity building and support on:

    • Title I, Part A, Fiscal and Program Requirements
    • Federal Program Monitoring (FPM)
    • Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
    • School-wide Programs (SWP)
    • Coordination, monitoring and training of school staff (Title I Designees) in the area of Title I Program compliance
    • Conduct school support visitation to assist school staff in the implementation and enhancement of practices for the compliant coordination of Title I programs and provision of instructional services for at risk students


  • Single Plan for Student Achievement
    All schools will be writing a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) during the 2021-2022 school year. 

Budget Develop. PPT